Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Operational Scar - What's Module 5

Coming to Module 5 of Operation Scar.The Module 5 of Operation Scar is called "Quick Shots".

Module 5- Quick Shots

In this module, James concentrates on quick conversion tricks.He lays down some basic facts to increase conversion rate some of which include components of a good sales letter,graphics and sexy names,the use of color , fonts and size, the use of specific words, headlines, the above the fold rule, a call to action approach, guidance on positioning and the use of compelling language.For increased conversion,he also discusses 6 major triggers that our brain listens and reacts.Exploiting this triggers make high conversion rates.

The Author then moves on to personalisation techniques,bonus for sales,risk removal for customers, story lines and characters to adopt, usage of line breaks,testimonials,post scripts,link hiding.

Finally, he turns to rewards to purchasers, pricing, loading speed of pages and the use of audio and video.

Overall,the module 5 of Operation Scar is a detailed description if you want to publish your own product online and the coverage of related parameters required for the product.

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